Let go through the Corona pandemic together. 

Right now due to the Corona virus situation it’s even more important to connect with others and also improve your mental health. We organize this weekly event to help us to be stronger to go through this hard time.

Time & Location

Sunday 7:00 UTC+2

ONLINE at Zoom

About the Event

Confirmed attendees will be sent the information to access webinar session. First Comes, First Served!


We will do some good practices for body and mind then we will do metta to share our vibration to the world. Participants leave this session with some good vibrations and feel more peaceful for a day. 

We now have 2 session per week, one mainly focuses on Yoga asanas (postures) in 1 hour. The other one is the practicing of Pranayama (Breathing) and Meditation. You can choose one of them or both.

This special time of Corona virus, we’re inviting you to join us to share your superpowers – those special qualities that make you shine for the world. Whether you just want to make yourself healthier and happier or you want to share your vibration to pray with us for the world, you’re a superhero in our project. Together let’s go through the Corona disaster so no one will be left behind.


Huong Vu – Yoga Instructor and Healer – Vietnam


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Completely free for people who wants to be healthier, happier and more mindful. Everyone is welcome to join! 

If you want to help me to contribute more for the community, feel free to donate me by the button below.

Learn more about the benefits of Yoga and Meditation here

For any further information, please write me through my email: thuhuong.vu@hotmail.com